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Lions Gate Portal 2024: A Powerful Time for Spiritual Alignment and Transformation

Lions Gate Portal 2024

Lions Gate: A Portal of Illumination

The Lions Gate Portal 2024 reaches its peak on August 8th each year, and every eight years, this event is amplified by the numerology of the year also being an 8. This creates the powerful 8:8:8 alignment.

August 8, 2024, is one of those special years, presenting a unique opportunity for heightened energy and transformation.

The Astrological Significance of Lions Gate Portal 2024

Astrologically, the Lions Gate Portal has been revered since ancient Egyptian times as a potent period of transformation and spiritual insight. It occurs when the fixed star Sirius, part of Orion’s Belt, aligns with the Sun in Leo (also a fixed star) and the Earth. This alignment is said to form a powerful portal for spiritual energy and enlightenment.

Notably, Sirius also aligns directly above the pyramids of Giza during this time, adding to its mystique.

The portal usually opens from July 28 to August 12, with its energy peaking on August 8th. In 2024, it opened with the New Moon in Leo on August 3/4.

But what does this celestial event mean for us?

The Symbolism of Leo

First, let’s explore the archetype of Leo, represented by the courageous Lion. Leo embodies passion, courage, and strength, qualities that originate from the heart. Tapping into Leo energy can provide a sense of heartfelt purpose, aligning you with your path and granting the courage to pursue it with joy and confidence. This is a time to prioritize your needs and fulfill them with a sense of joy and purpose.

Contemplations around Leo energy:

  • What helps you release tension?

  • What helps you connect with your essence?

  • What lights you up?

  • What makes you feel the most alive?

The Wisdom of Sirius

Next, we turn to Sirius, the fixed star known as our higher self or the spiritual sun. If Leo represents the sun in our heart, Sirius is the sun in our soul. Its energy is about unconditional love, the purest form of love that exists without expectations, judgments, or attachments. It's about loving for the sake of love itself.

Contemplations around Sirius energy:

  • Take an inventory of your life. Does each facet feed your soul?

  • If not, ask yourself: Is there an area (relationship, job, etc.) where I need to make adjustments?

  • Reflect on moments when you have given or received unconditional love. What did you learn from these experiences? How did they make you feel?

Harnessing the Power of Lions Gate Portal 2024

Combining the energies of Leo and Sirius, the Lions Gate Portal becomes a beacon of clarity and illumination. When the heart aligns with the soul and the Earth, it highlights our human potential. This portal offers a glimpse into how we can embody our soul's essence and become the best version of ourselves, aligned with our true path.

However, this transformation doesn’t happen automatically. It requires introspection and effort. If you’ve been seeking answers to questions like your soul purpose, path, or calling, now is the time to delve deep and uncover what lies beneath the surface of your essence.

Contemplation around Lions Gate:

  • Connect with the energy of Sirius, the soul's heart. Feel this alignment with the Sun and Earth.

  • Imagine being fully connected with your soul. You chose this human experience for a reason. Why? What is your purpose here?

  • Allow yourself to dream and explore the realm of infinite possibilities. What would truly nourish your soul?

When we give ourselves space to sit with these questions, we often find that the answers are already within us, waiting to be acknowledged.

Meditation and Mudra for Heart Wisdom

To open your heart wisdom and guidance during this powerful time, I’ve shared a Mudra and Meditation practice. This can be a great starting point for your contemplations and help set a foundation for deeper insights.

A Meditation & Mudra to alighn with Lions Gate Portal 2024

I’d love to hear what comes up for you during this time. Please share your experiences in the comments below or send me a personal message at Enjoy this beautiful portal of illumination and keep shining your light on your path.

Big love, Alesha 💗

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